Good morning. My name is Chad Taylor, managing partner with MDT Financial Advisors here in Houston, Texas. Today is Monday, April the 29th, 2024, and I wanted to get on and do another kind of markets minute video that I did last week as well. I always find that when we're kind of going through one of these volatile months, it's always better to kind of give out as much information as possible, and it always creates questions, and if you have questions, that's I think a great time to talk about those. So I hope you always find these kind of interesting. Most of this information comes to us from our friends at the Wells Fargo Investment Institute. Last week was, again, another pretty volatile week in the markets, particularly the stock markets, but they did close positive for the week. So the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.4%, roughly the s and p 500 was up a little over 1%, 1.02%, and the NASDAQ was up a little bit more, up about 2.03%.
And the best performing sector last week was communication services, and the worst performing sector was utilities. Although the markets were positive last week, it wasn't without some down days. In particular, I think it was Thursday. That was a pretty rough day in the stock market. It was down fairly heavily most of the days, and that was most of the day, and then kind of rallied at the close, so it didn't look quite as bad. But that was the day that the announcement of the first quarter GDP came out and the markets were kind of expecting, or the consensus of that number that it would come in at around 2.5%, but it actually came in at 1.6%, quarter over quarter, mainly because exports were lower than expected in inventories. And so it made for a pretty volatile week, although then it turned around on Friday and closed positive, which was good, but it did make for a tough week. But the market as a whole, that was the first week that was up in a number of weeks, so that's always helpful. As always, if you have questions or anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out. We always look forward to talking. Have a great day.